Tata Motors registered total CV Sales of 28,989 units


Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market for May 2023 stood at  74,973 vehicles, compared to 76,210 units during May 2022. Total Domestic Sales for May 2023 was 73,448, which  saw a decrease in total domestic sales from May 2022  which was recorded 74,755.

HCV Trucks saw a 11% growth, ILMCV Trucks saw a -38% decrease, Passenger Carriers saw 7% growth, SCV cargo and pickup saw -19% decrease, and CV Domestic saw a -12% decrease. Total CV for May 2023 was 28989, down from 32818 in May 2022. MH&ICV sales in May 2023 were 11,442 units, compared to 12,056 units in May 2022.

Total sales for MH&ICV Domestic & International Business were 11,958 units, compared to 12,810 units in May 2022. Total PV domestic (including EV) sales for May 2023 were 45878, an increase of 6% from May 2022, when 43341 were recorded. Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited and Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Limited are subsidiaries of Tata Motors Limited.


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