Almonds, a staple nutritional snack to enhance immunity and promote family well-being


The Almond Board of California held a panel discussion on ‘Snack Smart for a Healthier Family and Stronger Immunity’ at The Park Hotel, Kolkata, to address the issue of unhealthy snacks affecting overall well-being and immunity. Panelists included Bollywood actress Soha Ali Khan, Celebrity Pilates Master Instructor Yasmin Karachiwala, and Ritika Samaddar, Regional Head of Dietetics at Max Healthcare – New Delhi.

The session emphasized the importance of healthy snacking, particularly incorporating nutrient-rich options like almonds into daily diets, for boosting immunity and family well-being. The panel discussion emphasized the importance of clean, balanced eating habits, particularly in the face of quick, ready-to-eat foods. It recommended incorporating seasonal fruits, vegetables, and almonds into one’s diet for healthy living.

 Almonds, rich in essential nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, protein, riboflavin, zinc, vitamin B2, and phosphorus, boost immunity and overall health. Bollywood Actress Soha Ali Khan said, “Almonds play a crucial role in our diet, and over the years, I have personally experienced the numerous nutritional and health benefits they offer.” Almonds are rich in copper and zinc, essential nutrients for immune system function and overall health. They also aid in weight management by curbing hunger, boosting immunity, and promoting overall well-being.


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