Arya Nursing College cultivates community wellness through educational empowerment


Arya Nursing College, nestled in the heart of Changsari, Assam, is not just a center for education; it’s a cornerstone of community wellness and cultural enrichment. Since its establishment in 2007, the college has been instrumental in fostering a culture of healthcare excellence while making a profound impact on the local community. Nursing, with its emphasis on compassion and care, holds a special place in the fabric of society. Arya Nursing College recognizes this and goes beyond traditional educational boundaries to instill values of empathy and service in its students.

Through its comprehensive nursing programs, the college not only prepares students for successful careers but also cultivates a sense of responsibility towards community welfare. Graduates of Arya Nursing College are not just skilled professionals; they are ambassadors of change, actively contributing to the betterment of society.

Furthermore, Arya Nursing College’s commitment to cultural integration and community engagement is evident in its support for local initiatives and events. By actively participating in community outreach programs, the college bridges the gap between education and societal needs, creating a harmonious synergy that benefits all. As the deadline for Common Entrance Examination (CEE) form submission approaches—24th May for BSc Nursing and 10th June for GNM courses—Arya Nursing College continues to uphold its mission of empowering individuals and enriching communities.


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