HMSI held a Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Midnapore


Road safety stands as the foremost priority of Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI). To foster responsible behavior on the roads and to contribute to creating a more vigilant and safety-focused society, the company regularly organizes Road Safety Awareness Campaigns across diverse regions of the country.

HMSI firmly believes that such campaigns encourage individuals to adopt safe driving practices, fostering a culture of caution and consideration on the roads. A recent campaign in Midnapore involved over 2000 students and staff members at Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College, HMSI, leaving a significant impact on the participants.

HMSI underscores the necessity of teaching road safety principles to children from an early age, and thus, promotes the inclusion of road safety educational curriculumat both school and college levels. The company aims to educate the next generation on road safety through an interactive campaign that includes games, safe road theory sessions, slow bicycle riding, road signage, and riding posture training, recognizing the potential of young minds.HMSI in West Bengal has educated nearly 3 lakh adults and children since its inception, promoting responsible road usage and safe riding habits.


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