The Meghalaya government has announced a large rise in DA and DR for all types of state government employees, retirees, and family pension holders. On July 1, the DA/DR ratio was increased from 43% to 46%. This move is intended to give financial assistance and improved living conditions for the state’s public sector employees and pensioners. The increased allowance will also apply to members of the work-charged establishment and casual workers. It will be omitted for Bungalow Peons, whose salary levels are consistent with those of the normal establishment.
It is vital to note that the DR will remain suspended if the pensioners or family pensioners work. The relief will be reinstated after the time of such work or re-employment has ended. The government has also issued instructions for the payment of DA and DR. Fractions of 50 paise or more will be rounded up to the next higher rupee. The financial consequences of this decision will be charged to the appropriate heads of accounts where employees and pensioners/family pension holders receive their salary and pensions, respectively.