PM Modi Announces Launch of International Big Cats Alliance


Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the program ‘Commemoration of 50 years of Project Tiger’ at Mysuru University on Sunday and launched the International Big Cats Alliance (IBCA). The IBCA will focus on conserving the world’s 7 major big cats and will comprise of countries that are home to these big cats.

 The aim is for member countries to share their experiences and best practices in conserving the big cats so that fellow countries can act quickly and build the right capacity for conservation.

PM Modi highlighted the first successful trans-continental translocation of a big cat referring to the cheetahs that have been brought to India from Namibia and South Africa. He stressed the importance of international cooperation for the protection and prosperity of biodiversity. India is taking forward the baton to bring global partners together in the sphere of furthering biodiversity and protecting wildlife.


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