Recently EY announced that Janet Truncale has been elected as their next Global Chair & CEO


Effective from 2024 EY recently announced that Janet Truncale has been elected as their next Global Chair & CEO. In fact she will be the first female professional to lead a Big Four firm. From joining the company as an intern in 1991 to making it to top position whilst creating history. This is actually good news as people is getting success by working hard from starting level as an intern.

In reality many people will get motivation from this story as today people are full of stress and tension. People need to think beyond their capability as they can do many things in their life if they believe in themselves. Actually people need to be positive and it will also create many opportunity to them. By hard work and right mentality people can achieve many things which seems impossible to them. Janet Truncale is very good example which shows people that you can achieve anything if you want it.


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