Sampoorna Raksha Promise introduce by Tata AIA


For most of us, family comes first. We do everything possible to keep them happy, while we are amidst them. That’s not all, we work towards creating assets that can help them live a life of dignity, in our absence. Tern insurance as a solution becomes relevant here, as it fulfills this basic human need of financially securing the loved ones in the unfortunate event of death of the bread earner. However, a term insurance can be a lot more than a mere financial protection solution. Tata AIA Life Insurance, a leading insurer in India has announced a new term insurance ‘Sampoorna Raksha Promise’ that comes with innovative features and benefits.

50% of base sum assured paid on diagnosis of Terminal Illness. Further, all future premiums waived off while policy benefits continue. Instant payout of Rs. 3L on claim notification to help family members meet urgent expenses*. Facility to defer premium by up to 12 months, once in 5 years. 15 % lower premium for women and other attractive discounts for different customer segments.

Samit Upadhyay, President & Chief Financial Officer of Tata AIA, said, “Term insurance as a category has been providing financial security to consumers for many years. However, over time consumers have started to seek more from their insurance plan, beyond efficient claim payment.”


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